brouwerij de halve maan-proviflow

Brewery De Halve Maan uses Proviron’s glycol indirect cooling for bottling plant In the previous edition of Cool & Comfort, we introduced you to the Proviron company and products. In this follow-up article, we look at a practical application: the cooling installation of the bottling plant of brewery De Halve Maan in Bruges. brand-new bottling […]

how to avoid corrosion

the importance of corrosion protection in cooling systems how to avoid corrosion Corrosion can silently destroy your cooling systems, leading to costly repairs and downtime. Download our whitepaper, “The Importance of Corrosion Protection in Cooling Systems,” and discover how to protect your installations with advanced glycol-based heat transfer fluids. download our comprehensive e-paper It will […]

Bringing more color to HTF

bringing color to glycol! if Picasso had been in the glycol business, he would probably have chosen Proviflow… In the spring of 2022, we put our new HTF blending facility into use. A brand-new installation that allows us to provide better service. First and foremost, this is due to the design of the installation, which […]

Vlaamse Algen maand

Vlaamse Algen Maand may 2022 is the Flemish Algae Month In 2022, the month of May will be declared the “Flemish Algae Month. Academic institutes, government and business will go hand in hand to promote and demonstrate the advanced technology Flanders have when it comes to algae. Flanders as innovator in algae Algae play an […]

microalgae as food – shrimp hatcheries

microalgae target application microalgae as food feed for shrimp hatcheries During the larval stages penaeid shrimp show filter-feeding behaviour and microalgae are their most important dietary source. Larval life of penaeid shrimp consists of a succession of molts and metamorphoses. During the first naupliar stages there is only endogenous feeding. After a first metamorphosis, larvae […]

microalgae rotifer enrichment

microalgae target application rotifer enrichment microalgae as a one to one alternative for of live algae. Prior to feeding rotifers to your larvae they should be enriched with the appropriate nutrients (esp. PUFA’s). To optimally enrich rotifers, the culture diet should be replaced by a mix of microalgae in order to obtain a nutritional profile […]

microalgae rotifer culture and pre-enrichment

microalgae target application Rotifer Culture & Pre-enrichment microalgae as a one to one alternative for of live algae. Proviron Prime microalgae result in healthy, vigorous rotifers ready for the enrichment phase at high densities. The product contains freeze dried microalgae ensuring stable rotifer production (high fecundity) with high nutritional value (fatty acids, proteins, sterols, etc.) […]

microalgae green water technique

microalgae target application green water technique microalgae as a one to one alternative for of live algae. Green water is a technology commonly used in aquaculture. The benefits have been shown for several (marine) fish species, molluscs and crustaceans. The method consists of adding algae in the water during larvae culture. Several hypotheses exist to […]


proviflow label kit show me the flow and label it Everyone wants to be proud of their work, right?But the care and skill of the installer are not usually visible until a technical problem arises. Because then, a quick, solution-focused intervention is expected.It is sometimes said that it is only in times of crisis that […]