provifrost-sample instructions

sampling procedure aircraft de-icing fluids sample submission guidelines Here you can find the best practices for collecting and submitting samples of aircraft deicing fluid. To ensure the continued validity of the semi-annual lab analysis certification, we strongly encourage you to follow these instructions to send samples in a timely and correct manner. sample collection […]


provifrost winter hotline

winter hotline 24/7 personal contact line During the winter months, we provide a direct contact number for additional orders, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because you never know when winter weather will strike. Based on the weather conditions in your region, we will proactively estimate how much de-icer fluid will be needed. […]


provifrost sample kit samples and certificates A sample kit designed to make the mandatory half-yearly product checkup procedure easier and more convenient for you. Each sticker sheet in the kit contains adhesive labels to be affixed to the sample bottle and an address tag for sending to our lab. This kit ensures that your samples […]


provifrost stickers for your tanks, trucks and stock Provifrost stickers are available for different types of aircraft de-icing fluids. We have replicated the orange, yellow and green international color codes according to the type of fluid in the design of the more than 1m² stickers. the international color code on the stickers When the de-icing […]


customer appreciation award Schiphol Amsterdam – January 30, 2024 |  The CEO of Schiphol, Ruud Sondag, presented the special award for “Professionalism, quality and trust makes our cooperation”. A Welcome recognition from one of our loyal long-term customers This is clear proof that Provifrost’s personalized approach is appreciated by our customers. For almost 20 years, […]


winter weather forecasts Provifrost gets its own weatherman Proviron has taken on its own weatherman. Geert Naessens will forecast the weather for Provifrost, our department that produces environmentally friendly, high-performance aircraft de-icers and de-icing products for runways and commercial applications. Accurate planning of production and transportation ‘The key to a successful winter campaign is preparation,’ […]