sampling procedure

aircraft de-icing fluids

sample submission guidelines

Here you can find the best practices for collecting and submitting samples of aircraft deicing fluid.

To ensure the continued validity of the semi-annual lab analysis certification, we strongly encourage you to follow these instructions to send samples in a timely and correct manner.

sample collection

  • Fully flush nozzles, hoses, sampling ports, before collecting the sample. Nozzles may require flushing with as much as100 liters of fluid.
  • For Type II/IV fluids, ensure the nozzles and va!ves are fully open when sampling. Partially-open valves and nozzles can cause shearing of fluid
  • Use a dry, clean sampler and sample bottle when collecting the sample.

sample verification

  • Check the appearance of the sample.
    • Type I fluids should be transparent and orange in color.
    • Type IV fluids should be semi-transparent, viscous and yellow/straw in color.
    • Type IV fluids should be semi-transparent, viscous and green in color.
  • For Type I and Type II/IV fluids, test the Refractive Index of the sample.
    • Type I concentrate = 1.4165 – 1.4195 (100%)
    • Type II/IV concentrate = 1.3900 – 1.3930 (100%)
    • Type II/IV dilute 75/25 = 1.3768 – 1.3809 
    • Type II/IV dilute 50/50 = 1.3622 – 1.3663
  • If the sample does not meet any of the above criteria for appearance or refractive index, flush additional fluid and resample.

sample submission

  • Fill in both sides of the label document
  • Your reference#ID will be transferred exactly as written to the lab report. Be sure to enter this information exactly as you require it to appear.
  • You can use the labels on the left side for your own records.
  • Clean the outside of the sample bottle and wipe hands clean before affixing the right part of the sample label. Use of a pencil is recommended. Deicing fluids will smear most inks.
  • Tightly close sample bottles and wrap lid with electrical tape.
  • Put the back of the label page in the shipping box.
  • You can use the bottom shipping label on the outside of the box

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