proviron - provifrost - runway lights

tools and resources

how can we help you with provifrost?

Within the Provifrost unit, we strive to offer a range of services to customers. We go the extra mile and have all areas covered. Our dedicated laboratory is available for testing of Aircraft De-icing Fluids for requalification or  to check compatibility. Other services, such as labeling/stickering, sampling kits, weather service, hotline support… are all available upon request. If you have a specific need or requirement, do not hesitate to contact us:

some resources to help you tackle winter weather conditions

our story

frequently recurring topics

provifrost news update and events


GSE EXPO Europe 2024

booth #55 – GSE Expo Europe is the premier industry forum for uniting equipment suppliers with GSE customers with the goal of driving innovation and establishing new business relationships.

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Proviron Story

Proviron story – provifrost

our formula for environmentally efficient aviation de-icers … safe flights in winter Aviation takes its responsibility in terms of sustainable transition seriously. The sector is

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proviron - Vestergaard GSE
NEWS item

Vestergaard event

event vestergaard Our Provifrost team had the honor of attending the Vestergaard Company Event in Copenhagen. Vestergaard has been know for 60 years as a

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other worldwide Proviron news

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