2500 meals for charity
OOSTENDE 21/01/2022 – Proviron made Ostend a little warmer! Wim Michiels, CEO of Proviron (left), presented a cheque of €5,000 to Pierre De Coninck (right) of Warm Ostend.
15 years ago, we at Proviron stopped handing out year-end gifts to our worldwide contacts. We reserved the budget to sponsor a good cause.
This year, we chose the ‘Warm Oostende’ charity, an initiative of vzw Lichtbaken. Lichtbaken is a meeting center for people who are having a difficult time in life. Lichtbaken offers a listening ear, a pleasant chat and a full meal to vulnerable Eastend residents and families.
Our donation corresponds to 2500 warm meals. As the CEO of Proviron, Wim Michiels, told us: ‘As owner and manager of a company, a warm meal every day is a common thing, but that is not the case for everyone. That’s why we think it’s important to share.”
Press Release Lichtbaken vzw
Warm Oostende – lichtbaken vzw
New Year campaign ‘A warm hart for all!’