solar panels for charity -De tocht ochtgenoten Hemiksem - proviron sponsoring


solar panels for charity

The energy crisis of the last months affects all of us in our gas and electricity budgets. But the most vulnerable in our society feel this the hardest. Fortunately, they can count on organizations like the Welzijnsschakel in Hemiksem. But also these organizations see their operating budget eaten up by skyrocketing energy costs.

The energy crisis of the last months affects all of us in our gas and electricity budgets. But the most vulnerable in our society feel this the hardest. Fortunately, they can count on organizations like the Welzijnsschakel in Hemiksem.
But also these organizations see their operating budget eaten up by skyrocketing energy costs.

As usual every year, Proviron donates its budget for corporate gifts at the end of the year to charity. This year, we chose De Tochtgenoten from Hemiksem. An organization which provides weekly food parcels to the most fragile people in society.

Proviron will cover the cost of installing solar panels on the roof of the classroom. By doing so, we invest in a sustainable project to reduce the cost of electricity in the long run.

On Thursday, January 19, our CEO Wim Michiels handed over the cheque to the Welzijnschakel delegation.