provifrost product range

de-icing solutions for the aviation industry

Provifrost by Proviron is experienced in everything to do with de-icing. Our mission is to be the service partner on which an airport. airline or ground handler can rely. In today’s challenging de-icing market, Provifrost is offering sustainable products for runway & aircraft de-icing. However, our de-icing products are also used for other applications. Please browse our range of products by clicking on the relevant product below:

runway de-icers

the highest standard for runway de-icing with low toxicity

aircraft de-icers

the most climate friendly de-icers in the world

de-icing appl.

Aviation lavatory and agriculture de-icing products

best practices for

provifrost services for runways


provifrost services for ground handlers

ground handling services

provifrost services for airlines


provifrost services for maintenance


provifrost services for airports


availability and delivery

straight from factory to airport

24/7 winter hotline

on-premises allocations