Below you can find out more about what’s new at Proviron Inc. Discover new products, our presences at trade shows, our commitment to various initiatives and many other topics.
Our greenest wishes for 2024 from the entire proviron team
Our formula for carbon bio based chemistry … by using renewable raw materials The paint industry has switched massively from oil- or white spirit-based paints
dedicated sales and manufacturing in USA proviflow in america We all know that corrosion poses a significant threat to cooling systems. In a newly commissioned
Chemical toll manufacturing is the term that’s used to describe outsourcing chemical manufacturing.
It is a service in which the production of chemical products is subcontracted to a third company (blender).
Today it is a common service for chemical companies, from global concerns to regional and specialized suppliers, in order to reduce production risks. The toll blender receives the formula (usually under NDA), the raw materials and the packaging, and turns it into a product for a production fee.
A plasticizer is a substance that is added to a material to make it softer and more flexible, to increase its plasticity, to decrease its viscosity, or to decrease friction during its handling in manufacture.
Plasticizers are commonly added to polymers such as plastics and rubber, either to facilitate the handling of the raw material during fabrication or to meet the demands of the end product’s application.
For example, plasticizers are commonly added to polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is otherwise hard and brittle, to make it soft and pliable; this makes it suitable for products such as vinyl flooring, clothing, bags, hoses, and electric wire coatings.
Plasticizers are also often added to concrete formulations to make them more workable and fluid for pouring, thus allowing the water content to be reduced. Similarly, they are often added to clays, stucco, solid rocket fuel, and other pastes prior to molding and forming. For these applications, plasticizers largely overlap with dispersants.
Monomers (from Greek Μονομερές = consisting of a single part) are small molecules, mostly organic, that can join up with other similar molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers (from Greek Πολυμερές = consisting of many parts, a multipart).
All monomers have the capacity to form chemical bonds with at least two other monomer molecules