Provifrost® KA ECO is an environmentally-friendly de-icing fluid for airport runways, taxiways and aprons. It is a 50% aqueous Potassium Acetate solution, by weight. containing corrosion inhibitors
Provifrost® KA ECO is phosphate-, chloride-, nitrate-, and nitrite-free and does not contain azole type molecules like triazoles or benzodiazole, meaning its is less eco-toxic. It is safe for the environment, especially aquatic life, is non persistent and is readily biodegradable. Provifrost® KA ECO has excellent de-icing and anti-icing properties and is active at low temperatures (-60°).
Provifrost® KA ECO is easy to apply using existing equipment. Provifrost® KA ECO meets FM approved specifications and satisfies all material compatibility tests according to AMS 1435.
Provifrost® KA ECO can be used as both an anti-icer and a de-icer.
Suggested rates of application can be found in the below table. However, factors such as surface material, surface structure, ambient temperature, and weather conditions should also be considered when applying the product. Careful monitoring of weather conditions as well as consulting records of past events will provide you with advance notice of any upcoming bad weather and guide you in preventive application of the product.
Where freezing rain or (light) snow is forecast, a preventive treatment of runways, taxiways and aprons is recommended. Smoothly spray or atomize the product. This will form a film on the surface to prevent ice, snow and freezing rain bonding to the surface.
We recommend treating the surface mechanically before applying Provifrost® KA ECO. This will reduce the amount of liquid used, thereby reducing the environmental impact as well as costs. Re-apply at the first sign of further accumulation showing a tendency to bond to the surface. In the case of a thick layer of ice (> 3 mm), we advise using Provifrost® KA ECO in combination with a solid de-icer such as Cryotech NAAC® or Provifrost® NF.
The table below should be used as a guideline and not as a recommended dosage. Proviron Industries will be happy to advise you further on the use and application of this de-icer.
Storage and Handling
Provifrost® KA ECO is delivered ready to use. It should not be diluted nor further concentrated. Provifrost® KA ECO is available in bulk tankers and in 1000 liter IBC’s. Provifrost® KA ECO is compatible with most of the materials used at airports, in aircraft construction,
and relating to storage and applying equipment such as aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy, titanium alloy and carbon steel. It is strongly recommended to rinse the equipment after each application with lukewarm water. Do not use product in combination with zinc containing materials such as zinc-coated or galvanised steel.
Environmental and toxicology information
Tests have been performed according to the latest version of the AMS1435 standard by Scientific Material International (SMI). The results show that Provifrost® KA ECO is not acute toxic to daphnia, algae and fish.