provifrost Aircraft De-icer TYPE IV

Cryotech Polar Guard® Advance

aicraft de-icer - type 4

Type IV anti-icing fluid is a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid designed for preventing ice formation on aircraft surfaces during flight.

It contains a high concentration of thickening agents, such as long-chain polymers, which create a gel-like coating on the aircraft’s surfaces to prevent ice accretion.

Type IV fluid is typically applied hot, either before departure as an anti-icing treatment or during flight through onboard anti-icing systems.

product information

  • Propylene glycol based Type IV aircraft de-icing/anti-icing fluid
  • AMS 1428 certified (SMI)
  • Long Hold Over Times in all weather conditions
  • Lowest LOUT in the Industry
  • Low viscosity provides easier handling and application
  • Good storage/shear stability

AMS 1428 certified
FAA approved

long hold-over

excellent shear

Cryotech Polar Guard® Advance

aicraft de-icer - type 4