proviron inc.

in the center of the Polymer Alliance Zone

Welcome to the Polymer Alliance Zone of West Virginia. We are located in one of the most dynamic regions in the country for polymer and chemical production with a highly trained and experienced workforce. There are few, if any, other places in the world where the feedstock supply and the end users for polymers are all in very close proximity. It’s home to some of the world’s most recognized and respected companies.

why the Polymer Alliance Zone?

The Polymer Alliance Zone is home to many global companies who have been located in the zone for many years while benefiting from the opportunities found here.

Companies such as Chernours, Braskem, Ashland, Linde, APG Polymers, Star Plastics, Solvay and Proviron all operate in the PAZ, as do many other recognized companies.
The cost of doing business in the Polymer Alliance Zone is among the lowest in the country, the location provides access to abundant NGLs and proximity to over 70% of the nation’s polyethylene and polypropylene manufacturing within a day’s drive.
West Virginia provides a high-quality workforce with the lowest manufacturing turnover rate in the country and specialized education and training to support workforce development. With the highest home ownership rate in the nation, and a cost of living 14% below the national average, West Virginia offers an incredible quality of life compared to other states.

one day’s drive

The Polymer Alliance Zone is a regional hub for plastic and chemical manufacturers located within a day’s drive of over 70% of US polyethylene and polypropylene demand. Businesses in the Polymer Alliance Zone have a significant geographic advantage resulting from market proximity.

  • 77 percent of North American Polypropylene demand is within a day’s drive.
  • 70 percent of North American Polyethylene demand is within a day’s drive.
  • 50 percent of the US population is within an 8-hour trucking shift.
  • 30 percent of the Canadian population is located within a day’s drive.


West Virginia has 1,900 miles of railroads, six major interstate highways and is home to one of the largest inland ports in the US.