Patented gut health improving concepts feed ingredient for poultry, pigs and aquaculture based on carefully selected esterified fatty acids.
Optigut is a feed ingredient to increase gut health and reduce bacterial and necrotic enteritis in poultry (broiler, layer, breeder, turkey, minor species…). The technical performance of the animals improves (daily growth and feed conversion ratio), while the use of antibiotics decreases significantly.
Porcestin is a feed ingredient for piglets. Using porcestin reduces bacterial pressure and the technical performance of the piglets improves significantly (daily growth and feed conversion ratio).
Optigut aqua is unique combination of esterified fatty acids for shrimp. The product improves the technical performance of the shrimp (both daily growth and feed conversion ratio).
Fatty acids have already found their way as antimicrobial agent in many applications such as mould control for feed preservation or acidification for gut health modulation. Also lipids – triglycerides of fatty acids – play an important role in newborns.
OPTIGUT is a proprietary blend of glycerides of short and medium-chain fatty acids, specifically designed and tested to resolve the issues related to enteritis in poultry. The action of OPTIGUT relies on a double-working mechanism, keeping a healthy balance in the gut.
A monolaurin component provides specific action against C. perfringens. This active helps controlling proliferation and avoid overgrowth of C. perfringensin the hindgut.
A butyrin component stimulates epithelial barrier formation in the hindgut, reduces inflammation and increases mucin and antimicrobial peptide production.
Porcestin, our concept for weaned piglets, is a feed ingredient based on the new generation of fatty acids. This innovative product combines different esterified medium-chain fatty acids to support and improve the intestinal flora and gut health in pigs. Gut wall damage induced by infections with gram-negative gastrointestinal bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and SalmonellaTyphimurium, can be limited by the flora-stabilizing effects of fatty acids like lactic acid and butyric acid.
Moreover, butyric acid acts as a fast energy source for the gut wall delineating epithelium. As such, lesions in the intestinal wall will heal faster and intestinal cells will demonstrate improved nutrient uptake, especially in suboptimal conditions. Moreover, Porcestin reduces the mortality rate caused by Streptococcus suis infection. As a result, at a high infection pressure, technical parameters such as growth and feed conversion rate will improve, making Porcestin useful as an antibiotic alternative or in reducing the applied antibiotics dosage and number of treatment days due to its synergistic effect.
Porcestin demonstrated a significant positive effect on the porcine gut health in challenge and field trials, executed in several European countries, resulting in more equal litters. In addition, ear-tip necrosis, often a sign of compromised health, can be reduced by the application of a combination of mono- and triglycerides of butyric and lauric acid.
Porcestin, a free-flowing powder, has unique product properties with no aberrant smell or taste.
Optigut Aqua is a blend of glycerides of short and medium chain fatty acids, specially designed to enhance resistance against pathogens and optimize growth in aquaculture