may 2022 is the Flemish Algae Month

Vlaamse Algen Maand

In 2022, the month of May will be declared the “Flemish Algae Month. Academic institutes, government and business will go hand in hand to promote and demonstrate the advanced technology Flanders have when it comes to algae.

Here you will find an overview of the activities.


06.05.2022 | plant visit Proviron

For many years Proviron is successfully producing various microalgae for aquaculture all over the world. But the application possibilities are much broader. With a team of experts and scalable production units at our company site in Hemiksem, we are the flexible contract manufacturing partner for various markets. Under the flag of the ‘Flemish Algae Month’ we would like to present you our complete MicroAlgae project.

Because it is impossible to receive large groups in the production units, we decided to make a video recording of a company visit with some members of the Flemish committees, the Mayor and Alderman of Hemiksem and other representatives of knowledge institutions.