At Proviron, our sustainable and socially responsible policy is reflected in our year-end campaign. By annual tradition, we donate the budget for year-end gifts to charity.
And this year, we’re taking it a step further. We have not 1 but 3 initiatives to support sustainable projects for charity.
For this we also need your participation. Which project do you prefer? Vote with us and help us decide how to divide our budget.
For our 3 sustainable initiatives this year, we chose Koninklijk Werk IBIS located in Bredene. The institution was founded in 1906 to take care of children of deceased sailors. Today, this organization has grown to provide young people with a safe living environment at a boarding school, as well as a solid education with appropriate support.
In the coming years, IBIS will enhance their services even more in depth and better prepare children to enter society independently. To do so, they must also invest in the future of their infrastructure and operating resources.
We selected 3 initiatives that IBIS focuses on in its investment plans. Each one of them projects where we as Proviron give an extra push so that sustainable options become financially feasible.
click on this icon for more information about the project
Sustainability is not just a thing for our year-end campaign. Throughout the year, we at Proviron are committed to sustainable initiatives. That’s why we are curious to hear your greenest wish for 2024.
*Leave your wish here, and we guarantee respect for your privacy data. In accordance with GDPR rules, we will only use your username and message for this campaign.
With the entire proviron team, we wish everyone a sustainable 2024. Shake the tree with us and let us grow in our sustainable projects.