provifrost Aircraft De-icer TYPE I

Cryotech Polar Plus® LT

aicraft de-icer - TYPE I - orange fluid

Type I de-icing fluid is a viscous, heated fluid primarily used for removing thin layers of frost, snow, and ice from aircraft surfaces.
It typically consists of a mixture of propylene glycol and water, along with corrosion inhibitors and surfactants to enhance its effectiveness.
Type I fluid is applied hot, either through spraying or brushing, onto the aircraft’s surfaces before departure to prevent ice accretion during flight.

product information

product highlights

  • Propylene glycol based Type I aircraft de-icing/anti-icing fluid
  • AMS 1424 certified (SMI)
  • Easy to apply with existing equipment
  • Even dispersal for superior wetting
  • Dilutes to required temperature for economical savings

AMS 1424 certified
FAA approved

low foaming
superior wetting

industry leading
low aquatic toxicity

Cryotech Polar Plus® LT