may 2022 is the Flemish Algae Month

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The month of May was declared by Flemish minister Crevits as the Month of Algae. Various knowledge institutions are working on this initiative. In addition to research and knowledge about algae, Flanders also has the production capacity to cultivate algae on a large scale. Here you will find an overview of the activities.

On Friday, May 6, in our office in Hemiksem, we received a delegation of the Flemish Commission for Agriculture and Fisheries, the initiators of the Flemish Algae Month, local government and sector federation. With the necessary pride, we gave a tour of our various production facilities.

" In Flanders we not just have a great deal of knowledge about algae, we also have the capacity to produce them here."

For several years, Flanders has been expanding its interest and knowledge for the sustainable future of algae. Knowledge centers such as ThomasMore, UGent, ILVO, and others … are looking for new applications of algae in our economy.

In addition to research and knowledge gathering, our economy requires converting these concepts into marketable products that need to be produced on a larger scale.

Flanders also has that production capacity. Here in Hemiksem, in the heart of Flanders, Proviron can offer a state-of-the-art microalgae facility. Our infrastructure allows to grow microalgae in a flexible way from lab research project, over pilot test production to the effective production of bulk volumes.

“With our ProviAPT technology, we have been able to significantly reduce the risks of scaling up projects,” says Mark Michiels. An experienced team of professionals (from researcher to experienced operators) guide our partners through the entire process. This often starts with the selection of the algae species and continues with post-processing for delivery. (freeze-drying, packaging in a modified atmosphere).

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